"Mental health is more important than education. Better to have a degree of sanity than just a degree! "
Our management depends on your individual needs and desires. Many times psychotherapy alone may accomplish the therapeutic goals. In many cases also adding psycho-tropics may accomplish a higher level of recovery. We guide our clients through the treatment process and strive to provide psychoeducational resources to increase adherence and minimize potential risks and side effects.
We provide a holistic treatment for all the mental health problems, including the ones described below:

Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety is a feeling that comes and goes, but if your feelings of anxiety are persistent, extreme, last longer, and are interfering with your life, this is when you may have an anxiety disorder Common signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders are:
​Feeling of fear, uneasiness, panic, or danger
​Inability to concentrate​
Rapid heart palpitations, trembling, sweating, numbness, or tingling hands or feet
Not being able to stay calm and still

It involves a persistently sad mood, lack of energy, or loss of interest in activities leading to a variety of emotional and physical problems that can affect an individual's daily functioning. Some of the common signs and symptoms of depression are:
Persistent sad mood
Loss of interest or decreased energy
Feelings of excessive guilt or remorse
Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, or helplessness
Thoughts of ending life or killing oneself
Sleep problems, loss of appetite, sexual problems
Lack of concentration and memory problems

Stress-related disorders
Stress is a normal reaction to day-to-day pressures, but can become unhealthy when it disturbs your functioning. Long-term stress or high levels of stress may lead to mental and physical health problems. Some of the common signs of stress are:
Sleep disturbances
Difficulty concentrating, relaxing, and making decisions
Lack of confidence and irritability
Muscle tension and pain
Low energy

Sleep Disorders
Sleep disorders are the conditions wherein the individual has difficulty or is unable to sleep well. It affects one’s sleep quality, duration, and amount of sleep which can disturb daily functioning and overall wellbeing. These also include abnormal behaviors in sleep like sleep talking, sleepwalking, etc. Many factors can contribute to sleep disorders like poor sleep habits, stress, mental health illness like anxiety and depression, alcohol consumptions, medications, etc.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is a mental illness in which a person has recurring or repeated unwanted thoughts (obsessions) or has an urge to do an act over and over again (compulsions) until they feel satisfied. Following are the common symptoms of OCD:
Checking - repetitive checking of locks, light switches, or appliances
Contamination - washing hands household utensils/clothes repetitively or cleaning oneself again and again
Ordering or symmetry - Having an urge to keep things in order or the need to line up everything like books, clothes, and so on
Ruminations and intrusive thoughts - repetitive thoughts that might be violent, sexual, blasphemous, or disturbing.

Psychosomatic Disorders
It is characterized by long-standing and fluctuating physical symptoms, which cannot be explained by any general medical condition. Even when there is no serious condition diagnosed the individual continuously seeks medical care.
Constant worry about illness
Chronic symptoms of chest pain, body aches, stomach upsets, burning sensations of limbs, headache, etc.
Viewing normal physical sensations as a sign of severe physical illness or harmful.
Repeatedly checking your body for abnormalities
​Frequent health care visits that don't relieve your concerns or that make them worse

Bipolar Disorder
In bipolar disorder, there is a shift between two mood extremes. One might have very high moods (called manic episodes) and very low moods (called depressive episodes).
The episodes (manic or depressive) last for weeks to months together. The illness is usually episodic with multiple episodes in a lifespan.

Schizophrenia is a psychotic condition characterized by distortions of thinking, emotions, and perception which affects one’s behavior.
Common signs include undue suspicion, thoughts of being followed, persecuted by others, hearing voices not heard by others, aggressive behavior, self-absorbed behavior, etc.

Dementia is a problem of old age. Dementia is characterized by severe loss memory and other brain functions. Patients with dementia forget day to day things, they have poor attention, concentration, and often behave abnormally.